When booking with AdventureSmith Explorations not only do you have one-on-one unbiased conversations with our experienced Adventure Specialists about which adventure trip, expedition cruise or small ship cruise will be ideal for you, but you also receive an in-depth travel planner to get you ready and excited for your upcoming vacation. Expect to be the most savvy traveler aboard and ashore after receiving our detailed information specific to your destination.
What Does an AdventureSmith Travel Planner Include?
What to Bring
The right gear is an important element to any adventure and of course we want you to have the best experience possible. Our expert crew has first-hand experience in nearly every AdventureSmith destination allowing us to give you insider information and suggestions for what to bring on each specific ship and trip that will help you lighten your load to bring only what you need. The travel planner will also include tips on how to pack efficiently for a small ship cruise.
For any specific items you may need to purchase our easy-to-use “one-stop-shop” AdventureSmith Outfitters is the ideal place to get prepared for your trip to buy and rent top-quality clothing and equipment for all our small ship cruises and adventure travel tours.
Travelers Health
Part of having an excellent trip is being safe and feeling your best; therefore, being in the best possible health and knowing what to expect will help you get the most out of your adventure. The travel planner will provide a detailed health-related resources page with extensive travelers’ health and safety information, specific to your trip. For general resources the CDC Traveler’s Health is great for knowing which vaccines and medications to bring, the World Health Organization‘s biannual publication on international travel and health can be helpful.
Money Matters
Your travel planner will cover the various forms of money to bring while traveling as well as guidelines for gratuities. We want your travels to be smooth and safe, and being smart about money preparation is an important aspect of this. Learn how much cash to carry, which bills to bring and how common ATM machines are in your destination. Tipping is common on small ship cruises for the hardworking crew and guides. While gratuities are a matter of personal judgement and should never be expected, we do believe they are appropriate as a sign of gratitude for superior service. Appropriate amounts vary throughout the world so general amounts are impossible to summarize. Upon confirmation of your trip, we will provide detailed information on gratuities for your destination.
Books & Maps
Get the most out of your adventure with a comprehensive reading guide that includes our handpicked selection of classic, new and hard-to-find books and maps pertaining to your destination from the experts at AdventureSmith Explorations. There is no better way to enrich your travel experience than through reading and education. Find our online selection of the best travel books. Or browse by destination with the best Alaska books, Galapagos Islands books, Antarctica & Earnest Shackleton books, Arctic books, and Baja California books.
What About Passports & Documents Needed for Travel?
Our Adventure Specialists are also here to help inform you about the essentials needed to get your journey started. Your travel planner includes details for your destination, but we also offer travelers an online primer on Passports, IDs & Documents.