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Why AdventureSmith Explorations?
Antarctica Cruises with AdventureSmith
Cruising Antarctica with AdventureSmith is the ultimate way to explore up close and in style. Since 2003, thousands of travelers have trusted our small ship cruise and expedition cruise specialists to help them research, choose, book and plan the right Antarctica small ship cruise at the best price.
Why our customers love Antarctica with AdventureSmith:
Antarctic Cruise Experts
20+ Years Experience
Free travel planning from experts who’ve been aboard the ships. Trust in our experience
Expert Advice
At No Extra Cost
Planning an Antarctic cruise is hard. We offer honest, unbiased advice on itineraries, ships, cabins and more.
Concierge Service
Unlike Booking Direct
Ditch the call center for a dedicated Antarctica specialist. We leave nothing to chance to deliver your perfect cruise.
USA Based
Book with Confidence
We’re a family business owned, operated, licensed & insured in the USA for 20+ years. Let us earn your trust.
Antarctica Small Ship Cruises
Our Specialty
When choosing an Antarctica vessel, know this: small ships explore where the big ships cannot. Landings are limited to 100 guests on shore. Ships carrying more than 500 guests aren’t allowed to land at all. Smaller is better on Antarctic cruises. Learn how to choose the best cruise and find in depth articles with our detailed Antarctica cruising guide.
The ships we work with carry 72-200 guests ensuring active and intimate explorations. We specialize in this size range because we know from experience it’s the most active, informative and sustainable way to cruise Antarctica. Learn more about the unique ships on our Antarctica expeditions. We’ll find your perfect Antarctica ship.
Antarctica Expeditions
for Every Interest
An expedition is defined as a journey or voyage undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose. This perfectly captures the spirit of Antarctica small ship expeditions, which focus on daily off-vessel explorations with expert naturalist guides.
Travelers seeking more adventure can book a range of activities including sea kayaking, camping, skiing, snowshoeing, scuba diving or trekking. Learn more about the active things to do in Antarctica. Book early; off-vessel expeditions sell out fast.
Other specialties include luxury Antarctica cruises, Falkland & South Georgia Island cruises, Antarctic Circle cruises, Antarctica fly cruises and ways to save on Antarctica. Our experts are your guide to the perfect voyage.
Timely Antarctic Cruise Info
Find up-to-date information on the current, upcoming or future Antarctica seasons. Read about Antarctica 2024-2025 for the latest updates, check availability or plan ahead to Antarctica 2025-2026 and even Antarctica 2026-27. We have the most up-to-date Antarctica travel requirements to inform your planning.
New for 2025 are epic Antarctica expeditions to remote regions such as the Ross Sea, East Antarctica and Subantarctic Islands. Book now to get aboard the 34-Day Epic Antarctic Odyssey, the 25-Day Ross Sea Odyssey or 24-Day East Antarctica cruise aboard the brand new Douglas Mawson ship.
What It’s Like? Our Experts Have Been
“Smaller is better on Antarctic cruises.”
Our experts have been.
We’ll get you there.