Expedition Cruises & Wilderness Adventures. Find Yours:
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Expedition Cruises & Wilderness Adventures

AdventureSmith Explorations is the global leader in
small ship, adventure cruise vacations.

We match guests with the top names in small ship cruising as well as intimate, boutique
ships and lodges that may not make the radar of most travelers. Join in on our more than two decades of accessing wilderness locations worldwide.

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Benefit from our decades of guiding & planning adventure vacations & small ship cruises.

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You never pay more for your trip by taking advantage of our expertise & services.

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We are travelers’ greatest allies, adept at solving complex travel challenges with ease.

North America
Wild & Woolly Alaska Cruise

On this 8-day round-trip Juneau cruise aboard 86-guest Wilderness Legacy, enjoy highly active days and opportunities to explore guide favorites under exclusive permits. Experience highlights from the best of Glacier Bay tours and cruises.

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North America
Hawaiian Seascapes Cruise

This unique 8-day, 4-island itinerary offers discovery of Hawaii's rich traditions and natural wonders, including a thrilling night snorkel. Experience the beauty of the Pacific Ocean aboard the 36-guest Safari Explorer adventure yacht.

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Polar Regions
Epic Antarctic Odyssey: Crossing the 7th Continent

Calling all pioneers, history buffs and adventure lovers for an epic voyage! Aboard 154-guest Douglas Mawson, sail beyond the Antarctic Circle, uncover wonders of the Ross Sea, explore the Peninsula and the incredible sights in between.

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Polar Regions
Expedition Svalbard

With the ice receding in the summer months, sail to farthest reaches of Svalbard, including options along the west, north and even east coast. Enjoy an intimate voyage aboard one of the smallest ships cruising in the Arctic: 50-guest Quest, 12-guest MS Sjoveien or 12-guest MS Stockholm.

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South America
Elite Galapagos Cruises

Board the upscale and spacious 16-guest Elite mega catamaran to cruise the Galapagos in style. Enjoy panoramic views and active days with a well-versed guide during your Elite Galapagos cruise of 4-15 days.

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Polar Regions
Spirit of Antarctica Expedition

Explore the Antarctic Peninsula on this 10- to 13-day expedition aboard a state-of-the-art ship, featuring unique activity programs including polar snorkeling.

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North America
Last Frontier Adventure

The 8-day Last Frontier Adventure cruise combines Glacier Bay National Park with active hikes and kayaking among rainforest and glaciers, with cultural insights along the way aboard 49-guest Admiralty Dream or 80-guest Chichagof Dream.

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Polar Regions
Gems of West Greenland: Fjords, Icebergs & Culture Cruise

Experience the gems of West Greenland in a 12-day cruise bookended by time in Reykjavik, Iceland. Aboard 199-guest Ultramarine or 138-guest Ocean Explorer, at the height of summer, enjoy long days, lots of wildlife opportunities, deep fjords, stunning islands and massive glaciers.

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The Experience
The Most Unforgettable Destinations Personally Tailored for Every Traveler

We personally handpick all the trips, cruises, ships and lodges we work with. We’ve done the research so you don’t have to. Start your trip search by region and destination, or consult our experts who can help you explore the options to suit your travel style, activity interests, budget and timing.

Our experts will save you hours.

A single conversation with us is worth hours of internet scrolling. Find your next best trip with ease, then book with the confidence of our 20+ year experience.

Travel Guides, Tips & Inspiration
Latest Articles
Feb 6th 2025 • Small Ship Cruising
How to Choose the Best Amazon Cruise or Lodge

There are more Amazon cruises and lodges than ever, and if you are confused by all the options we are here to help. Compare Amazon trips throughout Ecuador, Peru and Brazil using this Amazon guide.

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Feb 4th 2025 • Small Ship Cruising
Couples Cruises by Small Ship

Let our expert trip matchmakers simplify your search. This curated list features a selection of the most romantic couples cruises available. Whether you're planning a honeymoon, anniversary or amorous getaway, let this guide help you find a romantic cruise you'll be sure to fall for.

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Jan 9th 2025 • Charters
How Much Does It Cost to Charter a Yacht?

Thinking about booking a private cruise? Take our expert advice about what determines the cost of chartering a yacht, including the destination, ship type and size, the length of the cruise and other tips on price.

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