Hundreds of Magellanic penguins on the beach with blue water and green hillsides in the background on a sunny day on the South Georgia & Polar Circle Cruise.
A group of Macaroni Penguins stands beside tussock grass on the South Georgia & Polar Circle Cruise.
A seal pokes its head above calm blue waters with snowcapped peaks in the distance on a sunny day in Antarctica on the South Georgia & Polar Circle Cruise.
Humpback whale tail fluke surfacing above icy blue waters with icebergs behind on the South Georgia & Polar Circle Cruise.
A flock of gentoo penguins stand on a sandy beach with turquoise waves rolling in behind them on the South Georgia & Polar Circle Cruise.
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Polar Regions Antarctica Cruise

South Georgia & Polar Circle Wildlife Cruise

This 23-day Falkland Islands, South Georgia and Antarctic Peninsula cruise aboard 170-guest ship Hondius is an animal-lover’s dream come true. The expedition explores one of the last untamed areas on Earth–a land of ruggedly beautiful landscapes and amazingly varied wildlife. Enjoy included photography and videography workshops along the way, to ensure a return with documentation of the lifelong memories forged on this small ship expedition.

Experience a large slice of Antarctic wildlife and history on this comprehensive Antarctica voyage, cruising first to the Falkland Islands and South Georgia before heading to the Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetland Islands with unique stops at the South Orkney Islands and Elephant Island along the way. Shackleton history comes alive at Elephant Island, where his men were marooned for months awaiting rescue, as well as South Georgia Island, where Shackleton finally found help and is commemorated. Before returning via the Drake Passage, finish the itinerary by cruising along the Antarctic Peninsula and make an attempt to cross the Polar Circle, venturing farther south than most Antarctic travelers.

Passage is aboard Hondius, a 170-guest, purpose-built polar expedition ship that combines performance, safety and stability with superior comfort and class. The ships feature forward-thinking core technology that pairs guests with an efficient, sustainability-focused polar small ship, ensuring this 23-day voyage helps protect the wildlife and landscapes it features.

Read on for details about this trip, or learn more about AdventureSmith’s Antarctica cruises and South Georgia cruises.


Falkland Islands, South Georgia, Elephant Island, Antarctica & Polar Circle Itinerary

The South Georgia & Polar Circle Wildlife Cruise operates round-trip from Ushuaia, Argentina, featuring a plethora of wildlife along the Falkland Islands, South Georgia Island, the South Orkney Islands, Elephant Island, the South Shetland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula with an attempt to reach the Polar Circle.

Route map of South Georgia & Polar Circle Wildlife Cruise in Antarctica, including visits to the Falklands, South Orkney Islands, Elephant Island & the Peninsula.
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Day 1
Embark Ushuaia, Argentina

In the afternoon, embark in the small resort town of Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, the southernmost city in the world, nicknamed “The End of the World.” Sail the mountain-fringed Beagle Channel for the remainder of the evening.





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Day 2
At Sea

Entering the westerlies, the ship is followed by several species of storm petrels, shearwaters and diving petrels.




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Day 3
Falkland Islands

The Falkland Islands offer an abundance of wildlife that is easily approachable, though caution is always advised. These islands are largely unknown gems, the site of a 1982 war between the UK and Argentina. Not only do various species of bird live here, but chances are great you’ll see both Peale’s dolphins and Commerson’s dolphins in the surrounding waters.

During this segment of the voyage, you may visit the following sites:

Westpoint Island
This beautiful island hosts a bounty of birdlife, from shore birds near the landing site to black-browed albatrosses on the nest. Among them is a rookery of rockhopper penguins who have to undertake an incredible climb from the sea to get to their nests among the albatrosses.

Saunders Island
On Saunders Island you can see the black-browed albatross and its sometimes-clumsy landings, along with breeding imperial shags and rockhopper penguins. king penguins, Magellanic penguins and gentoos are also found here.




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Day 4
Port Stanley, Falklands

The capital of the Falklands and center of its culture, Port Stanley has some Victorian-era charm: colorful houses, well-tended gardens and English-style pubs are all to be found here. You can also see several century-old clipper ships nearby, silent witnesses to the hardships of 19th century sailors. The small but interesting museum is also worth a visit, covering the early days of settlement up to the Falklands War. Approximately 2,100 people live in Port Stanley. Admission to the museum is included.




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Days 5 - 6
At Sea

En route to South Georgia, cross the Antarctic Convergence. Entering Antarctic waters, the temperature may drop significantly in the time span of only a few hours. Near the Convergence there may be sightings of a multitude of southern seabirds near the ship, including several species of albatross, shearwaters, petrels, prions and skuas.




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Days 7 - 10
South Georgia

Today you arrive at the first South Georgia activity site. Please keep in mind that weather conditions in this area can be challenging, largely dictating the program. Over the next several days, you have a chance to visit the following sites:

Fortuna Bay
A beautiful outwash plain from Fortuna Glacier is home to a large number of king penguins and seals. Here you may also have the chance to follow the final leg of Shackleton’s route to the abandoned whaling village of Stromness. This path cuts across the mountain pass beyond Shackleton’s Waterfall, and as the terrain is partly swampy, be prepared to cross a few small streams.

Salisbury Plain, St. Andrews Bay, Gold Harbor
These sites not only house the three largest king penguin colonies in South Georgia, they’re also three of the world’s largest breeding beaches for Antarctic fur seals. Literarily millions breed on South Georgia during December and January. By February the young fur seals are curious and playful and fill the surf with life and fun and large elephant seals come to the beaches to moult.

In this abandoned whaling station, king penguins walk the streets and elephant seals lie around like they own the place–because they basically do. Here you might be able to see the South Georgia Museum as well as Shackleton’s grave.

In the afternoon of Day 10 and depending on the conditions, we will start sailing southwards in the direction of the South Orkney Islands.




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Day 11
At Sea

There may be sea ice on this route, and at the edge of the ice some south polar skuas and snow petrels could join the other seabirds trailing the vessel south.




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Day 12
South Orkney Islands

Depending on the conditions, you might visit Orcadas Base, an Argentine scientific station on Laurie Island in the South Orkney archipelago. The personnel here will happily show you their facility, where you can enjoy expansive views of the surrounding glaciers. If a visit isn’t possible, you may instead land in Coronation Island’s Shingle Cove.




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Day 13
Elephant Island

The ship has now completed roughly the same route (albeit in the opposite direction) as Sir Ernest Shackleton did using only a small life boat, the James Caird, in spring of 1916. Watching Elephant Island materialize on the horizon after crossing all that water, it’s hard not to marvel at how he and his five-man crew accomplished that feat. The purpose of Shackleton’s crossing was to rescue 22 shipwrecked members of his Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, also known as the Endurance Expedition, who were stranded on Elephant Island. For four and a half months, Shackleton undertook this legendary rescue.

Conditions on Elephant Island are severe. The coastline is mostly made up of vertical rock and ice cliffs highly exposed to the elements. Weather permitting, take the Zodiacs to Point Wild, where the marooned members of Shackleton’s expedition miraculously managed to survive.




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Day 14
Antarctic Sound

If ice permits, cruise into the Antarctic Sound at the northwestern edge of the Weddell Sea. Here colossal tabular icebergs herald the ship’s arrival to the eastern edges of the Antarctic Peninsula. Brown Bluff is a potential location for a landing, where there may be the chance to set foot on the continent.




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Day 15
South Shetland Islands

The volcanic islands of the South Shetlands are windswept and often cloaked in mist, but they do offer subtle pleasures: a variety of flora (mosses, lichens, flowering grasses) and no small amount of fauna (gentoo penguins, chinstrap penguins, southern giant petrels). In Deception Island, the ship plunges through Neptune’s Bellows and into the flooded caldera. Here, find hot springs, an abandoned whaling station and thousands of cape petrels; along with kelp gulls, brown and south polar skuas, and Antarctic terns. A good hike is a possibility in this fascinating and desolate volcanic landscape.




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Days 16 - 20
Antarctic Peninsula

Gray stone peaks sketched with snow, towers of broken blue-white ice, and unique polar wildlife below and above welcome the ship into the otherworldly expanse of Antarctica. Enter the area around Gerlache Strait, venturing into one of the most beautiful settings Antarctica has to offer.

Sites you may visit here include:

Neko Harbor
An epic landscape of mammoth glaciers and endless wind-carved snow, Neko Harbor offers opportunities for a Zodiac cruise and landing that afford the closest views of the surrounding alpine peaks.

Paradise Bay
You may be able to take a Zodiac cruise in these sprawling, ice-flecked waters, where there’s a good chance you’ll encounter humpback and minke whales.

The aim is then to head south. If conditions allow, sites you can visit ‘over’ the polar circle include:

Crystal Sound
Your journey takes you south along the Argentine Islands to this ice-packed body of water, and from here across the Polar Circle in the morning.

Detaille Island
You may make a landing at an abandoned British research station here, taking in the island’s lofty mountains and imposing glaciers.

Pourquoi Pas Island
You might circumnavigate this island, named after the ship of the famous French explorer Jean-Baptiste Charcot. This location is known for its tight fjords and lofty, glacier-crowded mountains.

Horseshoe Island
This is the location of the former British Base Y, a remnant of the 1950s that is now unmanned though still equipped with almost all the technology it had while in service.

As with all Antarctic trips, conditions on the Drake Passage determine the exact time of departure.




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Days 21 - 22
Drake Passage

Your return voyage is far from lonely. While crossing the Drake, you’re again greeted by the vast array of seabirds remembered from the passage south. But they seem a little more familiar to you now, and you to them.




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Day 23
Disembark Ushuaia, Argentina

Every adventure, no matter how grand, must eventually come to an end. It’s now time to disembark in Ushuaia, but with memories that will accompany you wherever your next adventure lies.





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Inclusions, Terms & Notes


Voyage aboard the indicated vessel as indicated in the itinerary; all meals throughout the voyage aboard the ship including snacks, coffee and tea; all shore excursions and activities throughout the voyage by Zodiac; program of lectures by noted naturalists and leadership by experienced expedition staff; free use of rubber boots and snowshoes; luggage transfer from pick-up point to the vessel on the day of embarkation; pre-scheduled group transfer from the vessel to the airport in Ushuaia (directly after disembarkation); all miscellaneous service taxes and port charges throughout the program; comprehensive pre-departure material; basic WiFi up to 1.5GB per 24 hours (additional data available for purchase on board).


Any airfare whether on scheduled or charter flights; pre- and post-land arrangements; transfers to the vessel; passport and visa expenses; government arrival and departure taxes; meals ashore; baggage and cancellation insurance; personal insurance (mandatory); optional activities; excess baggage charges and all items of a personal nature such as laundry, bar, beverage charges and telecommunication charges; customary gratuity at the end of the voyages for stewards and other service personnel aboard; fuel surcharge (your Adventure Specialist will provide details).

Payment & Cancellation

In order to confirm this trip, a deposit of 20% of the total trip cost is required per person at time of booking. The balance of the trip price is due 90 days before the departure date. Special holiday payment and cancellation terms may apply. Guests who must cancel their trip for any reason must do so in writing. Standard cancellations are subject to the following per-person penalties, based on number of days prior to departure:
Up to 90 days – 100% of deposit
89 to 60 days – 50% of total trip cost
59 to 0 days – 100% of total trip cost

Terms & Conditions

This trip is subject to AdventureSmith Explorations Terms and Conditions. Please read this information carefully and call us if you have any questions. A Traveler Information Form, which includes a release of liability, must be completed and signed by all travelers. Your Adventure Specialist will send you a unique link to complete this form along with a packing list and extensive pre-departure and travel insurance information upon booking confirmation.

Arrival & Departure

The South Georgia & Polar Circle Wildlife Cruise begins and ends in Ushuaia, Argentina (USH). Embarkation time is between 4:00-5:00pm on day of departure. We strongly advise all passengers to arrive the night prior to departure and get a hotel in Ushuaia to avoid baggage and flight delays. The ship sails around 6:00pm on day of departure. Disembarkation is after breakfast on final day between 8:30-9:00am. Plan flights to depart Ushuaia anytime after noon on the final day. If you would like assistance with international flights, please visit our Booking Flights resource page.


Various optional activities may be available on the South Georgia & Polar Circle Wildlife Cruise. Hiking and photography are included. Per-person prices: polar diving $1,350 (2024-25 season). Please contact AdventureSmith to reserve activity space with your booking. There are no added-cost activities for the 2025-26 season.

Room Configuration

Single travelers wishing to book a double-occupancy cabin may do so at 1.7x the per-person Twin or Superior listed rates. Single travelers wishing to book on a “sharing basis” may do so at no additional cost in Twin, Triple or Quadruple categories upon availability.

Families & Children

Upon request, children under 16 years old traveling with parents may receive 40% discount in Grand Suite, Superior, Triple (sharing with 2 parents/adults) and Quadruple Cabins (sharing with 3 parents/adults). Some voyages may be excluded.

Travel Insurance

Emergency medical evacuation insurance is mandatory for this trip, with a minimum recommended coverage of $100,000 per person. Trip cancellation insurance is optional but highly recommended. Our partners at Travelex Insurance offer a variety of plans and policies to fit every trip and budget. Coverage for a pre-existing medical condition is also available if you purchase the Travel Select plan within 15 days of the initial trip payment; refer to plan details. Learn more about travel insurance or get a free quote.

Itinerary Notes

Read this itinerary as a guide only; the exact route and program varies according to ice, weather conditionswildlife encountered and the captain’s discretion. Flexibility is the key to the success of any Antarctica expedition. Visits to research stations depend on final permission.

Rates & Dates

Cruise Rates & Dates

Feb 20 - Mar 14, 2025
Hondius • 23 days
brown diver icon depicting diving activity
From $16700USD
Per Person
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Feb 16 - Mar 10, 2026
Hondius • 23 days
From $17800USD
Per Person
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brown diver icon depicting diving activity Diving

Learn About the Small Ship on Your Itinerary

Expedition Ship

The 170-guest M/V Hondius was built exclusively for cruises in Antarctica and the Arctic. She is one of the strongest ice-strengthened vessels currently cruising in the polar regions.

Expert Review

Reviews From Our Experts So You Know What To Expect

Andrew Browning • December 1st, 2020
Expert Review: The South Georgia Expedition Experience

An AdventureSmith expert returns to Antarctica—this time stopping at the wildlife Mecca of South Georgia Island. Learn all about the Island's wildlife, landscape, trip highlights to differences and see if South Georgia should be part of your Antarctica expedition.

Book with the confidence that comes from experience.

100+ combined years of experience, 7 continents explored, decades of expedition cruising around the world & here to help you find & book your dream trip.

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Torres Del Paine Trek

The trails amongst the famous Torres del Paine craggy mountains are among the world's classic trekking routes. By day, explore nature in its raw form while winding through these exceptional mountains. By night, enjoy the cozy luxury of EcoCamp's unique dome accommodations, or camping.

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Patagonia Wildlife Safari

Discover the magic at the end of the world on a 4- to 7-day Patagonia Wildlife Safari! No matter the length of your stay, you will be blown away by the unlimited beauty of the world heritage site Torres del Paine National Park.

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Explora Torres del Paine

This 5-, 6- or 7-day lodge-based trip in the center of Torres del Paine National Park offers over 40 unique explorations to choose from, including Base Torres and Grey Glacier. Enjoy breathtaking views of the Paine Massif and Salto Chico waterfall from home base.

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South Georgia & Polar Circle Wildlife Cruise

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