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Why AdventureSmith Explorations?
Costa Rica Tour Packages
with AdventureSmith
Costa Rica adventure tour experts guide you through all the options to find your dream package. We share honest, unbiased advice with no hidden fees or commissions. Why settle for anything other than the perfect tour of Costa Rica? Book with the leading Costa Rica tour company today. Why our customers love AdventureSmith:
Costa Rica Experts
20+ Years Experience
Free tour planning from experts who live, work and play in Costa Rica. Trust in our experience.
Expert Advice
At No Extra Cost
Impartial advice on tours, transfers, activities, lodging & more. You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.
Concierge Service
One-On-One Attention
Your dedicated Costa Rica tour specialist leaves nothing to chance to deliver your perfect package.
USA Based
Book With Confidence
We’re a family business owned, operated, licensed & insured in the USA for 20+ years. Let us earn your trust.
Custom Tours to Costa Rica
Planning tours of Costa Rica can be complicated. Our expert crew makes it easy with in depth knowledge and full service custom tour planning. Here’s how it works:
- Personalize – Work one-on-one with a Costa Rica expert to craft your perfect itinerary, accommodations and activities.
- Confirm – Verify availability and price with a detailed quote. Put arrangements on hold. Confirm with deposit. Book flights & insurance.
- Prepare & Travel – Receive detailed preparation documents. Consult with your concierge to answer questions. Relax and enjoy your unique journey.
We’re here with you every step of the way.
Costa Rica Family Tours
Costa Rica is the ideal destination for active, inquisitive families. We’ve got kids and our families have toured Costa Rica extensively. Our Costa Rica guided family tours are designed to bring families together with transformative adventures where you share wondrous experiences.
We specialize in working with families to craft personalized custom private Costa Rica adventures. Consult our Kids in the Rainforest travel tips and start envisioning your own Costa Rica Family Adventure. Call our experts to plan your next family adventure. Soft adventure tours for seniors also available.
All Inclusive Tour Packages
We are a full service agency ready to help with all aspects of your tour planning. Our Costa Rica adventure packages are all inclusive and have no added fees or commissions.
Prices include accommodations, transportation, meals, guides, park fees and taxes. We can provide quotes for international and domestic flights. Alcoholic beverages, gratuities and travel insurance can be included upon request.
“Costa Rica family tours bring families together with transformative adventures. ”
Best Time to Tour Costa Rica
Costa Rican tours are available throughout the year, and can be booked on your schedule. Use our knowledge of regional variations to plan the best time to visit Costa Rica. Families traveling during North American summer vacation can enjoy Costa Rica’s “little summer,” a dry period between late July and early August.
Costa Rica’s Climate?
Climate and temperature in Costa Rica are determined more by elevation and location than season. Explore more than twelve climactic zones.
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