Over 20 Years Experience.
One-on-one travel planning.
Why AdventureSmith Explorations
Arctic Trips
with AdventureSmith
Our experts have been to all regions of the Arctic by land and sea. We’ll guide you through all the options to find your perfect trip. Expect honest, unbiased advice, with no hidden fees. Why settle for anything less than the perfect Arctic trip? Book with the leading Arctic expedition agency today!
Why our customers love AdventureSmith:
Arctic Travel Experts
20+ Years Experience
Free travel planning from experts who travel to the Arctic. Trust in our experience
Expert Advice
At No Extra Cost
Planning an Arctic trip is complicated. We offer honest, unbiased advice on itineraries, ships, logistics and more.
Concierge Service
One-On-One Attention
Your dedicated Arctic travel specialist leaves nothing to chance to deliver your perfect vacation package.
USA Based
Book With Confidence
We’re a family business owned, operated, licensed & insured in the USA for 20+ years. Let us earn your trust.
Arctic Trips by Land & Sea
Our Arctic travel packages focus on up close exploration in search of wildlife with expert naturalist guides. Experience Arctic culture in remote villages and expedition history along the way.
Arctic cruises aboard small expedition ships reach above the Arctic circle all the way to the North Pole. Tours to the Arctic are based from remote, comfortable lodges.
Actively explore on daily excursions including hikes, treks, zodiac excursions, kayaking, heli-hiking and more.
Arctic Travel Regions
Arctic circle trips span from Svalbard, Greenland, Iceland and Norway, over to Canada and all the way up to the North Pole.
The advent of numerous itinerary options, diverse expedition boats and lodges, combined with a variety of flight options make it easier than ever to visit the Arctic. But where to go in this vast polar landscape?
Our experts are standing by to give you a personalized trip recommendation. We’ll get you on the perfect trip to the Arctic circle.
Arctic Trips & Polar Bears
One of the top reasons travelers seek our expertise is to find wild, remote places and encounter polar bears. Learn fun facts about Arctic wildlife spotting, or head straight to the polar bear Mecca by booking a polar bear adventure or Svalbard cruise.
Best Time for Arctic Travel
The best time to travel to the Arctic is from June to September. You can visit the Arctic any time of the year, but there are many seasonal nuances to take into consideration depending on your travel goals and mode of transportation. When planning an Arctic vacation consider the Midnight Sun around the solstice, aurora borealis cruises in the late season, endemic wildlife at all times of the year. Arctic expedition ships primarily operate May through September. Canada’s prime polar bear viewing land-based tours are in the late fall. If you’re seeking to ski or view the Northern Lights, look for a wintertime Arctic trip.
Learn more about Arctic climate and Northern Lights
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