Top 10 Reasons to Visit Antarctica

September 14, 2023 • Todd Smith
There are countless reasons to visit Antarctica, these are the top 10. When you are ready our experts will get you there with personalized travel planning to the white continent.
Travelers wearing red parkas look at sweeping views of Niko Harbor in Antarctica from the top of a view point they hiked to.

Antarctica is the trip of a lifetime and a premiere expedition cruising destination. But many travelers do as us “why should I visit Antarctica?” Our experts tap into decades of first hand experience to compile the top reasons to visit Antarctica.

An Antarctic cruise offers a chance for ordinary travelers to experience remote wilderness and witness the pristine beauty of our planet. A visit to Antarctica emphasizes how special our planet is. It will instill a desire to protect the environment. Going to Antarctica is a life changing adventure.

We are expedition cruise experts and our crew has been to Antarctica scores of times. We have helped thousands of travelers get there. Here are our top 10 reasons why you should travel to Antarctica

penguins diving into the snowy waters in a large group, one slides dow on its belly about to enter the water

Top Reasons to Visit Antarctica

  1. Penguins – Over 15 types of penguins live in Antarctica and sub-Antarctic islands. They are a joy to watch. Walk among penguin colonies, witness them torpedo through the water and travel over “penguin highways.”  
  2. Whales & Wildlife – There are 10 species of whales in Antarctica including humpback, blue, fin and orca whales. Seas and sea lions haul on the ice and lounge on beaches. Wildlife and whale watching in Antarctica are a highlight of any visit.
  3. Ice, Glaciers & Icebergs – Antarctica is over 97% covered in ice. Ice sheets cover the contentment and glaciers spill into the sea along the coast. Massive tabular icebergs inspire awe and sculpted blue icebergs will fill your camera’s memory card.   
  4. Birds & Birdwatching – Antarctica is a hotspot for birdwatching. You will see unique birds found nowhere else in the world. Birdwatchers can find 5 species of albatross, 10 species of petrel and several skuas, shags and prions among others.
  5. Ultimate Adventure – Simply going to Antarctica, the most remote continent on earth, is an adventure. Actively explore up close with expert naturalist guides. Get off the vessel everyday hiking, kayaking, paddleboarding, camping, mountaineering, skiing, snowshoeing and even scuba diving. Learn all the things to do in Antarctica.
  6. Spectacular Scenery – Pack your camera for pristine mountains, dramatic cliffs, massive glaciers, unusual iceberg formations and an expansive landscape. Long Austral summer days with extended sunrises and sunsets create prime photo opportunities. Professional photographers travel onboard to help you make the most of every shot.
  7. Follow in the Footsteps of Explorers – Antarctica has a rich history of exploration by hearty adventurers. They went by dog sled and tall ship. You can go in comfort aboard specialty Antarctica expedition ships designed for polar cruising. Experience historic sites like Grytviken, where Shackleton is buried. Then return to a hot shower and gourmet meal. 
  8. Experience the Extremes – What is so special about Antarctica? Antarctica is the coldest, windiest, iciest and driest continent on earth. These conditions make for a true expedition. Feel the cold and enjoy the sun when it shines. Learn the best time to visit Antarctica.
  9. Bragging Rights – Many people go to Antarctica because it is a bucket list destination. Some want to check the 7th Continent off their travel list. However very few actually go to Antarctica. Whatever your reason, if you go to Antarctica, you’ll be part of a select cadre and have bragging rights among your friends.
  10. Become an Advocate – Climate change is affecting Antarctica and its ecosystems. The Antarctic Peninsula is one of the most rapidly warming parts of the planet. Most Antarctica voyages will tackle this topic head on educating travelers about how Antarctica is affected by climate change and how it serves as a laboratory for research.  Rather than take a doomsday approach to see it before it’s gone, we hope you will visit and fall in love. Only when you love a place are you motivated to protect it.

The cost to travel to Antarctica is significant, so many travelers ask us, “Is it worth it to travel to Antarctica?” Yes, Antarctica is worth the price. Don’t take our word for it. We’ll put you in touch with clients who’ve been there.

Antarctica is absolutely amazing and unlike any other travel experience on earth. Extraordinary experiences await including spectacular scenery, incredible wildlife, gripping history and personal enlightenment.


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Have a question about how to get to Antarctica? Read our extensive Antarctica travel guide.

What are your reasons for visiting Antarctica? We’d love to hear in the comments below.

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  • CShpreiiss says:

    I want to go to the center of the pole to say I did it!

    • Adventuresmith Explorations says:

      That’s an adventure with some bragging rights! If we can help you reach Antarctica, contact us to speak with an adventure specialist one-on-one.

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