Over 20 Years Experience.
One-on-one travel planning.
Why AdventureSmith Explorations
Arctic Tours
with AdventureSmith
Our experts have been touring the Arctic circle for decades. We’ll guide you through all the options to find the perfect lodge and tour. Expect honest, unbiased advice with no hidden fees. Why settle for anything less than the perfect Arctic Circle tour? Book with the leading Arctic tour company today! Why our customers love AdventureSmith:
Arctic Tour Experts
20+ Years Experience
Free travel planning from experts who have toured the Arctic. Trust in our experience
Expert Advice
At No Extra Cost
Arctic tours are complicated. We offer honest, unbiased advice on itineraries, lodges, logistics and more.
Concierge Service
One-On-One Attention
Your dedicated adventure specialist leaves nothing to chance to deliver your perfect Arctic circle tour.
USA Based
Book With Confidence
We’re a family business owned, operated, licensed & insured in the USA for 20+ years. Let us earn your trust.
Arctic Circle Tours
Our team can match you with the perfect land-based Arctic circle adventure tour.
Iceland, Greenland and Canada are ideal for explorations at unique wilderness lodges, and our selected Arctic tour packages get you up close to the abundant wildlife via hikes, helicopter, polar-rover vessels, kayak or paddleboard. Start your Arctic trip search here!
We are award-winning polar specialists with extensive knowledge of Arctic adventure tours at remote wilderness lodges. Journey to the Arctic with the assurance of our industry experts who handle the logistics and make planning your Arctic tour easy.
Arctic Polar Bear Tours
If seeing polar bears is on your bucket list, you’ve come to the right place. Arctic polar bear tours safely get you up close with these majestic creatures.
See the world’s largest concentration of polar bears on Arctic tours in Canada. Our crew will advise you on the best time to travel and how to get there. View bears from the safety of a specially designed polar rover.
Our team has learned from our collective firsthand experience Arctic tours in Iceland, Norway and Canada. We’ll get you there.
“If seeing polar bears is on your bucket list, you’ve come to the right place.”
Arctic Adventure Tours Timed for Wildlife
Traveling by land in the Arctic is highly motivated by the best weather for wildlife migrations, primarily of the polar bear and beluga whale. The season is shorter for most of our partner wilderness lodges than our expedition ships (which sail year-round), so you’ll most often see land-based itineraries running July through November. The later the month, the better chance to see northern lights on your tour.
Learn more about Arctic climate and the best time to go.
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